
Alistair Cox
Chair of the Board, dss+
Davide Vasallo
Chief Executive Officer, dss+
Claudio Bertora
Chief Financial Officer, dss+
Guy Semmens
Founder, Gyrus Capital
Isabelle Pagnotta
Partner and Head of Business Services Sector, Inflexion
Henrik Nordman
Investment Director, Inflexion
Srinivasan Ramabhadran
Managing Director, Ásia Pacífico
Davide Vasallo
Chief Executive Officer, dss+
Claudio Bertora
Chief Financial Officer, dss+
Melissa Barrett
Managing Director, Corporate Impact & Practices
Thorsten Querfurt
Chief Operations Officer
Marco Pagnini
Managing Director, Industries
Srinivasan Ramabhadran
Managing Director, Ásia Pacífico
Cedric Parentelli
Managing Director, Europe, Middle East and Africa
Julio Albernaz
Managing Director, Américas
Emma Cuttler
Chief Human Resources Officer
Chris Afors
Diretor Global: Estratégia de Private Equity e Investidores Principais
Xavier Bontemps
Board Chair of Noven Group Infra SAS
Alex Kuilman
Co-Founder and Retired Partner, Mobius Executive Leadership
Alexa Dembek
Chief Technology and Sustainability Officer, DuPont
Betül Susamis Unaran
Chief Commercial Officer and an Executive Board Member of Unilabs
Rafael Chaves Santos
Professor of Economics at FGV
Seema Arora
Deputy Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry
Juan Gabriel Aguiriano Nalda
Group Head of Sustainability and Technology Ventures, Kerry Group