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Results 1 - 51 of 150
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Anchorages - Making The Connection
Even the best fall protection system is useless without the proper anchorage. Hook up with this program now, which adheres to OSHA's Personal Fall Arrest System (1910. 66 app C and 1926 subpart M App...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Arc Flash: Live To Tell
Did you know that in the extreme temperatures of an arc flash blast metal vaporizes? The sound can reach 160 decibels causing permanent severe hearing damage. Make sure your workers never experience t...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Asbestos Awareness: Controlling Exposure
Keep your employees' exposure to airborne asbestos fibers under control. Through this award-winning handbook get the lowdown on basic OSHA principles and master safe handling measures. The program cov...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Asbestos Awareness: Understanding The Risk
When it comes to asbestos, it's better to be safe than sorry. This handbook provides you with the basics of safe asbestos use. Facts, risks, uses, dangers, protection measures. The three forms of asbe...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Asbestos: Do Not Disturb
Asbestos can be found in thousands of homes and workplaces across the country. In general, asbestos- containing materials can be safe to work around as long as the materials are in good condition and...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Back In Action
Help improve awareness and cultivate individual responsibility when it comes to back safety issues in general industry. Show your employees how proper lifting techniques and a pro-active health regime...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Back Protection: Defending Your Safety Zone
Eight out of 10 Americans will seek medical attention for a back problem sometime in their lives. That's an alarming stat. Help your employees' avoid back injuries to maximize efficiency and put an en...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Back Safety For Material Handlers
Injuries strike more than one million workers every year, resulting in lost time, wages and productivity. And nowhere is this danger more pronounced than in your material handlers. Show them the prope...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Back Safety: Lift Well, Live Well
Your employees had better watch their backs, lest they suffer from back pain later in life. Get prevention techniques now before the pain sets in and hurts operations and profits. This handbook shows...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Benzene: Knowledge Is Power & Safety
Learn must-know information on preventing benzene hazards. This course helps your organization comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1028 and explains what benzene is, its properties, PELs, and its exposure sy...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Bloodborne Pathogens For Custodians
A custodian's job has a lot of risks, and one of them is exposure to bloodborne pathogens. This program teaches your staff protective measures against these organisms. It also explains effective clean...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Bloodborne Pathogens: Don't Take The Risk
Blood carries necessary elements throughout the body, helping our bodies run smoothly. But when blood becomes contaminated, our bodies do not work properly. Infectious microorganisms, called bloodborn...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Bloodborne Pathogens: First Responder
This informative handbook covers precautions concerning bloodborne pathogens~,~ making it ideal for workers who are on the scene of accidents. It will provide your employees with elementary informatio...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Bloodborne Pathogens: Just The Facts
Let this handbook help you meet the annual training requirement for any employee who can be reasonably expected to be exposed to blood or bodily fluid on the job and use it to prepare all employees to...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Bloodborne Pathogens: Know The Risk
Dispel the misconceptions and prevent bloodborne pathogen exposure with this course. Let your employees know if saliva and sharing telephones can infect a person with HIV or hepatitis. Help them draw...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Bloodborne Pathogens: Protect Yourself
The machines and equipment found in most industrial settings can involve hazards and sometimes that means exposure to blood. Help protect your employees from the dangers of bloodborne pathogens with t...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Bloodborne Pathogens: Real, Real-Life®
This contemporary program - part of our Real, Real-Life® Series - will help minimize chances of bloodborne pathogen exposure at work by advocating the three A's: Awareness, Attitude and Action. HBV, H...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Bloodborne Pathogens: Take Precautions
Your employees can never be too careful when it comes to the risks of deadly bloodborne pathogens. This handbook covers the three main types of these pathogens including the symptoms and routes of tra...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Bucket Trucks: Extending Your Safety
Raise your employees’ bucket safety awareness with this course. It trains them on precautions and maintenance-inspection guidelines, proper outfit, pre-planning strategies and fall arrest equipment in...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Cave-In! Trenching & Shoring Safety
Of the numerous trench construction accidents, 400 are deaths and 6,400 are severe injuries. Help give your workers a deep understanding of trench hazards and an even deeper know-how to prevent cave-i...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Chemical Handling Safety: Basic Principles
The simplest formula for safety is knowledge. This program teaches employees how to identify, handle, and store dangerous chemicals safely and properly. More importantly, they will be trained how to r...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Chemical Safety: A Formula for Success
If your employees work with or near chemicals, they may already be familiar with the hazards and potential consequences of an exposure. There are acute and immediate effects, such as acid burns or lon...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Combustible Dust: Up In A Flash
Combustible dust is a danger in any workplace that creates or accumulates dust. This potentially life-saving training will show your employees how to control the danger with good housekeeping measures...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Give your employees the tools they need to help them identify and handle these types of gases safely and effectively. This course will introduce them to the classification and labeling system as well...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Confined Space Atmospheric Testing
A hazardous and potentially deadly atmosphere is a risk that exists every time your employees enter a confined space. Atmospheric testing can be one of the best lines of defense against this dangerous...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Confined Space Entry: Inside Maneuvers
This important handbook draws parallels throughout while discussing hazardous atmospheres~,~ equipment requirements~,~ rescue~,~ PPE and the entry team.
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Confined Space Entry: Investigation
Investigate two real confined space accidents, what happened, what went wrong and how they could have been prevented in this handbook.
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Confined Space Entry: Keeping Public Employees Safe
There is no shortage of potential hazards when working in a confined space. Use this program to train your public employees to work safely in these dangerous spaces and help keep your organization OSH...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Confined Space Entry: Permit Required!
Help your employees understand proper entry procedures and complete the required entry permit.
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Confined Space Entry: Plan And Prepare
Show your employees why it is vital to follow procedure when working in a confined space. Every year, numerous injuries and fatalities occur in confined spaces and often, these spaces seem safe or eve...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Confined Space Rescue
As soon as this program begins, your employees will notice why it has won so many awards. It reviews OSHA rescue requirements and technical rescue procedures. Worker orientation OSHA rescue requiremen...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Confined Space Ventilation
Special safety precautions required for confined space ventilation are reviewed in this course. It discusses the common atmospheric hazards found in confined spaces and explains special techniques use...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Construction Fall Protection: Get Arrested!
Stay on top of things and learn how the different fall arrest systems work. From lanyards and harnesses to guardrail height and anchorage mechanics, this course explores in detail the parts, set-up sp...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Construction Forklifts: Extending Your Reach
According to OSHA, 85 people die and 100,000 are injured yearly because of unsafe forklift operations -- 100,000! But through proper forklift training, these accidents could be prevented, fines can be...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Defensive Driving
Step on the safety pedal and steer your employees away from accidents. This course trains them to be defensive drivers, helping them understand the risks, focus on the road and avoid dangerous driving...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Defensive Driving: Prepare for the worst
Defensive Driving: Prepare for the worst
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Disaster Safety: Aftermath & Cleanup
Recovery teams at natural and man-made disasters have important and hazardous jobs to do - from finding survivors to restoring power. But in the aftermath of catastrophes - hurricanes, chemical spills...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Driven To Distraction
This groundbreaking handbook illustrates just how dangerous distracted driving can be. Teach your employees the importance of staying focused behind the wheel. This handbook will remind them to leave...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Driven To Distraction II
This course is about allowing distractions into your vehicle while driving. When operating any vehicle, your full attention should be focused on the safe operation of that vehicle. This course also em...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Electrical Hazards: Avoid The Risk
Don't be in the dark about electrical safety. Show your employees these illuminating guidelines on electrical circuits, proper grounding procedures and lockout/tagout methods to control electrical flo...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Electrical Safety For The Qualified Worker
Electrical must not be taken lightly. Between 5 and 10 times a day, an arc flash explosion sends a burn victim to a special burn center. Generate strong safety procedures for your workers so they can...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Electrical Safety: Beware The Bite!
An electrical shock is like the bite of a poisonous snake! Take the sting out of the danger now and protect your employees with life-saving information. Sink your teeth into this handbook that gives t...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Emergency Action Plan: Crisis Under Control
Disasters - natural or man-made - can occur anytime, and an Emergency Action Plan must always be at hand to help your employees respond to the situation. It is essential not only for OSHA compliance b...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Emergency Evacuation: Getting Out Alive
In an emergency situation, survival hinges on adequate training, preparation and an emergency action plan. This handbook explains several emergency situation responses, the importance of drills and th...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Emotional Wreck
Aggressive driving is one of the most dangerous and costly problems on our roadways today. There is no particular profile for an aggressive driver. In fact, anyone can become an aggressive driver. Thi...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Environmental Overview: Recipe For A Cleaner World
Comply with the laws and protect the environment with this course. Help familiarize your employees with the role of the EPA and show them how various regulations for air and water quality, waste mater...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Ergonomics: Break The RMI Habit
Change it up a bit at work. You do not want your employees' jobs to be tedious, and more importantly, you want to keep them fit and healthy. This handbook helps you comply with California OSHA Ergonom...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Ergonomics: Solving The Puzzle
A sound work environment means healthy employees and a more efficient workflow. This handbook explains how to integrate ergonomic principles into your workplace so that you can reduce injuries, worker...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Ergonomics: The 24-Hour Body
Since your employees wear" their bodies 24-hours a day, they need to take care of them not only at work but also at home. Get the latest information on body safety with these ergonomic principles. Wit...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Ergonomics: Watch Your Back
Whether your staff is moving patients, test tubes, laundry or food, they need to protect their backs from undue stress. All healthcare workers have a high risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Eye Protection: See the Whole Picture
Every year, about 300,000 employees injure their eyes and 100,000 lose their vision, some permanently. It is crystal clear: why eye protection is essential. This program outlines the types of eyewear,...
Format: Handbook
Language: English - US
Results 1 - 51 of 150
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