Asbestos: Do Not Disturb (Digital Leaders Guide)
ASB010-ELG-ENGAsbestos: Do Not Disturb (Handbook)
ASB010-HBK-ENGAsbestos: Do Not Disturb (Streaming Video)
Asbestos can be found in thousands of homes and workplaces across the country. In general, asbestos-containing materials can be safe to work around as long as the materials are in good condition and are not disturbed. However, when asbestos-containing materials are disturbed or become damaged, they can be a serious health hazard. Exposure can lead to asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other medical problems.
Asbestos: Do Not Disturb discusses potential health problems, describes how one can be exposed to asbestos, how to prevent exposure, and what to do if you think asbestos has been released into the air.
Learning objectives:
Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure
- Asbestosis
- Mesothelioma
- Lung cancer
- Definition of Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)
- Definition of Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material (PACM)
- Jobs prone to asbestos exposure
- Where can asbestos be found in buildings
- Sign and label recognition
- Definition of friable
- Definition of non-friable
- Importance of not disturbing ACM
- Steps to take in the event of a release
Asbestos can be found in thousands of homes and workplaces across the country. In general, asbestos-containing materials can be safe to work around as long as the materials are in good condition and are not disturbed. However, when asbestos-containing materials are disturbed or become damaged, they can be a serious health hazard. Exposure can lead to asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other medical problems.
Asbestos: Do Not Disturb discusses potential health problems, describes how one can be exposed to asbestos, how to prevent exposure, and what to do if you think asbestos has been released into the air.
Learning objectives:
Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure
- Asbestosis
- Mesothelioma
- Lung cancer
How Asbestos Exposures Occur
- Definition of Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)
- Definition of Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material (PACM)
- Jobs prone to asbestos exposure
Preventing Exposure
- Where can asbestos be found in buildings
- Sign and label recognition
Asbestos-Containing Materials
- Definition of friable
- Definition of non-friable
- Importance of not disturbing ACM
Responding to a Release
- Steps to take in the event of a release
While the number of pages varies, most handbooks are 16 pages in length and include a tear-out quiz.
Handbooks must be purchased in packs of 10. When ordering, enter the number of packs you would like to purchase. For example, if you would like to order 50 handbooks, enter "5" in the quantity field. All handbooks are print-on-demand.
Call 1-877-262-7825 for more information.
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Asbestos can be found in thousands of homes and workplaces across the country. In general, asbestos-containing materials can be safe to work around as long as the materials are in good condition and are not disturbed. However, when asbestos-containing materials are disturbed or become damaged, they can be a serious health hazard. Exposure can lead to asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other medical problems.
Asbestos: Do Not Disturb discusses potential health problems, describes how one can be exposed to asbestos, how to prevent exposure, and what to do if you think asbestos has been released into the air.
Learning objectives:
Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure
- Asbestosis
- Mesothelioma
- Lung cancer
- Definition of Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)
- Definition of Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material (PACM)
- Jobs prone to asbestos exposure
- Where can asbestos be found in buildings
- Sign and label recognition
- Definition of friable
- Definition of non-friable
- Importance of not disturbing ACM
- Steps to take in the event of a release
Streaming Video, Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook | |
English - US | |
15 minutes |
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