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Results 1 - 51 of 317
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A Seat at the Table: Embracing Diversity
The goal of this course is to help employees understand what diversity and inclusion are and why they're important ingredients for an organization's success.
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Aerial Lifts: Operation
Raise safety awareness with this course. It trains workers on the ins and outs of aerial lift operation: types, design, hazards, maintenance and safety. The program examines the visual inspection proc...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Anhydrous Ammonia
In this program, you will learn about anhydrous ammonia and how to work safely around it.
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Asbestos: Do Not Disturb
Asbestos can be found in thousands of homes and workplaces across the country. In general, asbestos- containing materials can be safe to work around as long as the materials are in good condition and...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Basic Electricity
Part of everyday life, electricity is often taken for granted. Depending on how well your employees understand it, its effects and the ways it is measured or controlled, electricity can be an extremel...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Basic Machine Technology: Safety Procedures & Guidelines
This course is an introduction to the importance of safety in the machine shop. Skill is not only measured in the quantity and quality of production but also in the attitude of the operator towards sa...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US
In order to work safely and avoid injuries and incidents on the waterfront, employees must pay attention to how they are moving, climbing, and lifting while doing their jobs. This course prepares empl...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Before You Turn The Key Online Course
Brush up on what drivers need to do before they get in a vehicle and turn the key. Remind your employees of the importance of simple but effective pre-trip checks and the proper way to use standard eq...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Benzene: Knowledge Is Power & Safety
Learn must-know information on preventing benzene hazards. This course helps your organization comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1028 and explains what benzene is, its properties, PELs, and its exposure sy...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
This course shows employees how to work safely around hazardous materials. It covers various hazard classes, labels, dangerous cargo manifests, and how to handle an incident involving hazardous materi...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Bloodborne Pathogens: Don't Take The Risk
Blood carries necessary elements throughout the body, helping our bodies run smoothly. But when blood becomes contaminated, our bodies do not work properly. Infectious microorganisms, called bloodborn...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Bucket Trucks: Extending Your Safety
Raise your employees’ bucket safety awareness with this course. It trains them on precautions and maintenance-inspection guidelines, proper outfit, pre-planning strategies and fall arrest equipment in...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Bulk Operations: Maritime Safety
Whether employees operate bulk handling equipment, load bulk goods onto a ship with a system of conveyors and free pour chutes, or are part of the cleanup crew, they must always work safely. This cour...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Bulk Rail Safety: Maritime Safety
When working on or around bulk rail cars, you not only have to be cautious of the movement of the cars, but also the individual, unique hazards of the material being carried in each car. This course s...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Business Continuity: Operating in a Pandemic
To help organizations maintain safe and productive operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, this program covers seven key concepts for managing risk and protecting employees. The program reminds organ...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Business Recovery: Creating Your Restart Plan
Business Recovery: Creating Your Restart Plan describes the key components of a holistic and effective reopening strategy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The program reminds organizations to: ▸ Conduct...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Centrifugal Pumps: Design & Function
This course identifies centrifugal pumps as the most common type of pump to use in the industry today. At the end of the course, the learners will be able to explain the differences between centrifuga...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Centrifugal Pumps: Operation & Maintenance
This course covers the basics of operation and maintenance of centrifugal pumps. At the end of the course, the learners will be able to identify the system components that require monitoring during op...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Centrifugal Pumps: Reassembly & Installation
This course deals with reassembly and installation procedures for centrifugal pumps. At the end of the course, the learner will be able to: list the safety precautions to take during reassembly and in...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Centrifugal Pumps: System Characteristics & Selection
This course identifies centrifugal pumps as the most common type of pump to use in the industry today.
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Centrifugal Pumps: Troubleshooting & Disassembly
This course covers the basics of troubleshooting and the disassembly of centrifugal pumps. At the end of the course, the learner will be able to: identify potential problems, disassemble a centrifugal...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Chemical Safety: A Formula for Success
If your employees work with or near chemicals, they may already be familiar with the hazards and potential consequences of an exposure. There are acute and immediate effects, such as acid burns or lon...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Confined Space Atmospheric Testing
A hazardous and potentially deadly atmosphere is a risk that exists every time your employees enter a confined space. Atmospheric testing can be one of the best lines of defense against this dangerous...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Confined Space Ventilation
Special safety precautions required for confined space ventilation are reviewed in this course. It discusses the common atmospheric hazards found in confined spaces and explains special techniques use...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Container Railcar Safety: Maritime Safety
Working safely on or around container railcars requires that employees understand the hazards and how to work safely. This course explains how to prepare for work with container railcars, how to work...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Contractor Safety: It's Everybody's Business
Fire prevention, fall arrest, HAZMAT, confined spaces – get an overview of these and other safety issues with this course. Inform your employees of their and your responsibilities, train them to be al...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
This training course provides an overview of how to control hazardous situations in the workplace, including how to review unsafe actions and conditions that can lead to incidents as well as strategie...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Distracted Driving: Game Over
Nearly 80% of crashes involve some sort of distraction. Full of drama and action, this course describes the dangers of driving while distracted. It lists common ways drivers become distracted--often b...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Distracted Driving: Rewind
Sometimes it seems that multitasking is the only way to get everything accomplished in this busy, fast-paced world. While trying to multitask may seem like a good idea, trying to do two things at once...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Diversity & Inclusion: Unleashing Innovation
Diversity refers to the mix of different races, genders, ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Inclusion pertains to the extent at which this variety is welcomed at every level of the organization. Its op...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Diversity: The Empowered Workforce
Diversity refers to the variety of people who work for your organization—a mix of different races, genders, ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Stress how diversity is as much about age and ethnicity as...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Driven To Distraction II
This course is about allowing distractions into your vehicle while driving. When operating any vehicle, your full attention should be focused on the safe operation of that vehicle. This course also em...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Drop By Drop: Unconscious Bias
Microinequities refer to tiny, subtle digs, innocent comments, and offhand remarks that seem inconsequential, but slowly kill morale and hurt productivity. Drop by Drop: Unconscious Bias alerts employ...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
The statistics on substance abuse and addiction in the United States is staggering. There are 12 million heavy drinkers and around 23 million illegal drug users in the country, 70 percent of whom have...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Eliminating Exclusion
Exclusion—keeping people out and making them feel unvalued and unwelcome—can be obvious. But some of its most toxic forms are subtle and hard-to-notice. Either way, if exclusion continues, it can have...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Emerging Viruses: The COVID-19 Pandemic
Emerging viruses and superbugs are a reality in today’s globalized world. It’s critical to understand what viruses are, how they are transmitted, and measures we can take — such as social distancing —...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Simplified Mandarin, Spanish
Emotional Wreck
Aggressive driving is one of the most dangerous and costly problems on our roadways today. There is no particular profile for an aggressive driver. In fact, anyone can become an aggressive driver. Thi...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Handbook, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Employee Involvement: The Key To Safety
Encourage employees in all industries to take an active role in their safety. This course outlines effective ways for employees to become involved and explains how both they and their organization can...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Environment Maters: RCRA - Small Quantity Generator
Explains how the EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) applies to the operations of Small Quantity Generators, from production to disposal. ▸ Introduction to RCRA ▸ Identifying hazardous...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Environment Matters: Environmental Awareness
Discusses several laws that regulate the EPA’s four main focus areas: air quality, water quality, waste materials and emergency planning, and chemical safety and use. ▸ Clean Air Act ▸ Clean Water Act...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Environment Matters: RCRA - Large Quantity Generator
Explains how the EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) applies to the operations of Large Quantity Generators, from production to disposal. ▸ Name the EPA’s three source lists of waste ▸...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US
Environment Matters: SPCC
Outlines the three major components of the formal written plan, and shows how organizations can prevent, manage, and respond to oil spills. ▸ Identify the three components of the formal written plan ▸...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Environment Matters: Stormwater Runoff
Covers best management practices (BMPs) and standard operating procedures (SOPs) that help mitigate the risks of stormwater runoff. ▸ Understand the causes and risks of stormwater runoff ▸ Identify th...
Format: Digital Leaders Guide, Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Environmental Awareness
This course explains why the EPA was created and covers several EPA regulations that protect our air, water and land.
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Fatal Distraction: 3 Seconds of Inattention
Make your employees think twice before reaching across the dashboard while they drive. The Feldman family shares how their daughter, Casey, lost her life due to another driver's split-second distracti...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Fatal Distraction: A Fatal Text Message
A driver traveling 50 mph gets a text message at 10:39 PM. A minute later, she hits a policewoman who dies two days later. Share the devastating story of the Hayletts to help your employees understand...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Spanish
Fatal Distraction: He Never Saw Her
Texting isn't the only dangerous practice when it comes to using your phone behind the wheel. Jennifer Smith lost her mother to a driver who was talking on his cell phone. Hear her story and remind em...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Fatal Distraction: Her Last Text
No one should have to lose a child, especially not to something as trivial as a text message. Nina Todd's haunting last image of her two son's is of them being covered with a sheet by the coroner. Let...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Fatal Distraction: Her Life Was Cut Short
Keep your eyes on the road. This is the simple request from the Donato family. They know all too well about the loss associated with distracted driving. Let their story help drive home the important m...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Fatal Distraction: Is That Phone Call Worth A Life?
Elissa Schee simply asks is that phone call worth a life?" Elissa's daughter, Margay, was tragically killed in an accident when a semi-truck rear-ended her school bus. Margay's story will strike a cho...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Fatal Distraction: It Changes Your Whole Life
Driving at 126 mph and having a four-minute conversation with your girlfriend about a bicycle? This was the behavior of an Illinois state trooper responding to a call and what ultimately lead to the t...
Format: Streaming Video
Language: English - US, Portuguese, Spanish
Results 1 - 51 of 317
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