Fatal Distraction: Two Seconds Too Late (Streaming Video)


Fatal Distraction: Two Seconds Too Late (Streaming Video)


Fatal Distraction: Two Seconds Too Late (Streaming Video)

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Fatal Distraction: Two Seconds Too Late (Streaming Video)


Fatal Distraction: Two Seconds Too Late (Streaming Video)


Fatal Distraction: Two Seconds Too Late (Streaming Video)

$1,100.00 ($11.00/License)
$0.00 ($0.00/License)
$0.00 ($0.00/License)
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Two seconds was all it took for a driver to glance at his cell phone and end a life forever. The Schmidt family shares their story and reminds your employees of how even the shortest glance away from the road can have a lasting impact.

Two seconds was all it took for a driver to glance at his cell phone and end a life forever. The Schmidt family shares their story and reminds your employees of how even the shortest glance away from the road can have a lasting impact.

Two seconds was all it took for a driver to glance at his cell phone and end a life forever. The Schmidt family shares their story and reminds your employees of how even the shortest glance away from the road can have a lasting impact.

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Streaming Video
English - US, Spanish, Portuguese
17 minutes
17 minutes
17 minutes
Digital Leaders Guide Sample

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