Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Manufacturer seeks to assess Risks

Published on Jan 17, 2024


A private equity owned global manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients sought expert guidance to identify critical process safety risks across key global manufacturing locations. The urgent need to assess and quantify key risks was spurred by a recent downward spike in safety performance, the potential for negative publicity, and potential costs associated with safety events.

dss+ Approach

dss+ created a comprehensive risk profile to assess the organization’s ability to recognize and appropriately manage key risks. The assessment included desktop and onsite analysis, interviews across levels of leadership, and a Safety Perception SurveyTM to assess employees’ perception of safety culture. The scope also included analysis of Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) exposure across sites.

Key findings included a general lack of risk awareness and operating discipline, inconsistent management of incidents, a low level of safety culture maturity as benchmarked to global peers, and gaps in process safety management, indicating probability for further compromise of critical assets.

Findings were presented in a series of leadership presentations. To ensure effective mitigation of critical risks, and to create a shift in risk awareness and safety culture maturity, dss+ created a comprehensive roadmap to address and implement immediate, near-term improvements, and long-term safety culture maturity.


Conduct a risk-based assessment to identify and quantify critical process safety risks that could lead to catastrophic failure and serious injury or fatality.


dss+ Risk-Based Assessment of Process Safety Management and Worker Health & Safety,
Safety Perception SurveyTM, Operational Risk
Management consulting, SIF Approach


  • Findings and recommendations were leveraged to inform areas for critical investment, integration, and ongoing performance improvement planning.
  • Preventative and mitigative barriers from the risk-based approach were prioritized in a "Red, Yellow and Green" scoring matrix across assessed sites.
  • Roadmap implementation planning was enabled via data-backed analysis.
  • Critical systemic gaps were mapped to a risk-based, customized, and scalable model to inform areas for implementation.
  • Key stakeholders were aligned on all critical issues, the implementation roadmap, and the prioritization of workstreams.