From Intent to Action

Published on Oct 15, 2024

This project contains 3 phases. This case study explores

Phase 2: Corporate PSM Development.


Our client, a prominent global leader in the oil & gas sector, operates major sites across upstream, downstream, gas processing, chemicals, distribution, and logistics. After conducting a Corporate Process Safety & Risk Management assessment, a multi-year Process Safety Transformation roadmap was developed.


The Corporate Process Safety Assessment by dss+ emphasised the need for a unified Process Safety Framework across the organisation that promotes a common language and reinforces commitment and focus towards process safety excellence.


dss+ developed a comprehensive and robust fit-for-purpose framework of expectations aligned with global benchmarks and the organisation's context. This included benchmarking against 18 best-in-class Oil & Gas companies and 3 international institutes. dss+ actively engaged corporate functions and operating company representatives through a joint task team to secure buy-in and build momentum.

dss+ enhanced the organisation's process safety governance, providing increased focus on process safety reviews including corporate executive leadership and operating company boards. dss+ completed 12+ Process Safety Maturity reviews across Operating Companies, defining specific improvement actions through a risk-based dss+ engaged 12+ subsidiaries operating companies to understand current maturity and develop specific action plans to address gaps identified.



Corporate PSM Assessment



Operational Risk Management Consulting



  • Fit-for-purpose unified PSM Framework developed with Elements and Expectations
  • Targeted affiliate action plans to boost PSM implementation and drive stronger safety performance
"The transformation elevated Asset Integrity Process Safety (AIPS) onto our executive level agenda. We now have one unified language when it comes to AIPS."

Group Executive - Leading Energy and O&G company