Implementing circularity and climate-smart practices

Published on Feb 26, 2024


The SeCompetitivo Programme promoted by the Swiss Corporation - SECO, is an initiative facilitated by Helvetas (a development NGO), Perú. It aims at improving the competitiveness of the Peruvian private sector. The programme intervention focuses on the support to strengthen the dynamics of agri-food value chains linked to international markets, which have the potential to become engines of competitiveness for the regions.


Thanks to local partners like the Peruvian Association of Cacao Producers (APPCACAO) and CEDEPAS NGO, the initiative’s objective is to achieve productive and profitable use of agriculture by-products in a region with high potential for improvements in soil quality and water use. Further development and innovation in the field of agricultural practices and climate-smart systems are needed to improve rural life and support climate mitigation and adaptation.


dss+ brought technical assistance to enable a local manufacturer build pyrolysis machines to implement circularity, with a focus on valorising by-products through the conversion of biomass waste into biochar (serving as a soil improver and the primary component of self-made bio-fertilizer) benefiting the cocoa and banana value chains. dss+ team built operators’ capacity to manage the pyrolysis machine in the field and taught them how to apply biochar. Ultimately, valuable knowledge on climatesmart agricultural practices, sustainability, and emissions reduction was transferred to the local operators.

“We want to increase our biochar production capacity as we are well aware of the benefits it has provided to our soils”

– Cooperativa agrícola Norandino, beneficiaries of APPCACAO and the SeCompetitivo Programme