Iron Ore Company of Canada

Published on Oct 14, 2021

Frontline Employees Create a Risk-Aware Culture


dss+ was the only company to approach the challenge by directly engaging frontline workers. dss+ leveraged IOC's Courage to Care program, empowering employees to identify previously hidden operational risks, quantify them and share their perspective across the organization. A dss+ Risk-Aware mindset now enables employees to examine their work environment continually and take smart, proactive steps to reduce injuries and operational risk, and save lives. IOC employees are supported by leadership, trusted to manage the work and own risk control and mitigation for work in their respective areas. This change in mindset and behavior has created a new risk-aware culture.


  • Potentially fatal risks identified and resolved.
  • One IOC area had no injuries for a year following dss+ consultation, while continuing to sustain and advance risk awareness.
  • Employees develop ideas proactively to reduce risk and drive business success.
  • Employees rely on shared values and work in teams to reduce risk and look for improvement opportunities beyond their immediate work environments.
  • There is improved communication and trust between the frontline and leadership.
  • Sustainment strategies have enabled IOC to continue to advance their safety journey.