MOL Group is an integrated, international oil and gas company, located in Central Europe. It is active in over 30 countries with a workforce of 26,000 people and more than 100 years in the industry. The company has the long-term vision to become a sustainable chemicals company with an ambition to reduce its carbon footprint and reach net zero emissions.

Operation improvements to enable 2030 sustainability goals
MOL Group's ambitious targets imply significant infrastructure investments. Therefore, they were looking to identify savings to finance these strategic investments, enabling the achievement of MOL Group's sustainability targets - becoming the European champion driven by high efficiency & productivity, powered by renewable energy, integrated circular economy, and assets with minimal carbon footprint.
dss+ Approach
dss+ experts ran a business-level assessment across 3 countries and 5 sites. The assessment was conducted in 2 phases:
- a top-down phase defining the financial ambition of the program as well as the structural elements to ensure sustainability of the improvement.
- a bottom-up phase using field data and observations to validate the ambition, align local leadership, and define a roadmap with tangible and measurable improvement opportunities.
Identify and recommend site-specific improvement plans meeting efficiency and productivity improvement ambitions
- Operational excellence & sustainability assessment. Three main streams: Cost Reduction, Energy Efficiency, Organisational Effectiveness
- Identified 50% additional savings vs ambition.
- Developed a detailed improvement roadmap and associated benefits case.
- Assessments involved +300 people directly across 4 business units and Headquarters spread across 3 countries.
dss+ supported MOL Group Downstream Production business to uncover remarkable opportunities in asset efficiency, personal productivity, and also in those leadership and cultural enablers that are essential to trigger and keep necessary changes sustainable.
Zsolt Huff - SVP MOL Group Downstream Production