Nestlé Logistik & Partners
In 2014, Nestlé Logistics in Germany noticed an increase in accident rates. The company had primarily focused on process safety but realised 90% of accidents were due to behaviour. As a high level of logistics operations including warehousing and transport are outsourced, any new safety management initiative had to be developed together with Nestlé Logistic's four main logistics partners – Ansorge Logistik, Dirks Logistik, Fiege and GEODIS.
Nestlé Logistics and partners improve safety along the value chain
dss+ had to assess and align the safety culture at five independent companies – Nestlé Logistics and its four partners – and four distribution centres. dss+ next helped all partners to formulate individual development plans tailored to their specific situation that would enable them to attain the same goal.
The project assessed leadership, organisation, processes and the prevailing safety culture at all 5 companies. As the aim was to improve the safety culture, dss+ took a holistic approach that touched employees at every level in all partner organisations. This encompassed leadership capability and employee skills training, the creation of clear road maps for every site, and greater safety communication between sites, so safety is no longer viewed as an add-on but as an integral part of everyday life.